Relaxation massage

Calm your nervous system, reduce stress and pain

The main focus of a relaxation massage is to de-stress, calm and relax the mind and body. It’s a less specific form of physical therapy than remedial massage in regards to pain relief, but is still very therapeutic especially with the busy lives we live today, as it is great at relieving the stress that is held in the body and the mind. This massage style aids with your mental and emotional health, as it calms the mind and settles the nervous system. Relaxation massage provides a general loosen up, encourages blood flow throughout the body, and helps boost the immune system by stimulating the lymphatics.
Relaxation massage is great for people who’ve had a stressful week/month, as it allows the body to catch up and recharge. A relaxation massage treatment will usually involve flowing strokes and kneading, performed at your chosen pressure.
It’s a pain free therapy and an effective way to de-stress and relax the mind and body.

What are the benefits of Relaxation massage


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